27. Feldman, A.F., Z. Zhang, Y. Yoshida, P. Gentine, A. Chatterjee, D. Entekhabi, J. Joiner, and B. Poulter (2023). A multi-satellite framework to rapidly evaluate extreme biosphere cascades: the Western US 2021 drought and heatwave. Global Change Biology. 29, 3634-3651. (link)
26. Dong. J., R. Akbar, A.F. Feldman, D.J. Short Gianotti, and D. Entekhabi (2023). Land Surfaces at the Tipping-Point for Water and Energy Balance Coupling. Water Resources Research. 59, e2022WR032472. (link).
25. Feldman, A.F., D.J., Short Gianotti, J. Dong, R. Akbar, W. T. Crow, K. A. McColl, A.G. Konings, J. B. Nippert, S.J. Tumber-Dávila, N. M. Holbrook, F. E. Rockwell, R. L. Scott, R. H. Reichle, A. Chatterjee, J. Joiner, B. Poulter, D. Entekhabi (2023). Remotely sensed soil moisture can capture dynamics relevant to plant water uptake. Water Resources Research. 59, e2022WR033814. (link).
24. Zhang, Z., B. Poulter, A.F. Feldman, Qing Ying, P. Ciais, S. Peng, X. Li (2023). Recent intensification of wetland methane feedback. Nature Climate Change. 13. 430-433. (link).
23. Feldman, A.F., Z. Zhang, Y. Yoshida, A. Chatterjee, and B. Poulter (2023). Using Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) column CO2 retrievals to rapidly detect and estimate extreme terrestrial biosphere carbon anomalies. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 23, 1545-1563. (link).
22. Feldman, A.F., D.J. Short Gianotti, J. Dong, I.F. Trigo, G.D. Salvucci, and D. Entekhabi (2023). Tropical surface temperature response to vegetation cover changes and the role of drylands. Global Change Biology. 29, 110-125. (link)
21. Jonard, F., A.F. Feldman, D.J. Short Gianotti, and D. Entekhabi (2022). Intensity and Time-variability of Water and Light-limitation across global ecosystems. Biogeosciences. 19, 5575–5590. (link)
20. Fu, Z., P. Ciais, A.F. Feldman, P. Gentine, P.C. Stoy, D. Makowski, I.C. Prentice, A. Bastos, J.P. Wigneron. Critical soil moisture threshold of plant water stress in terrestrial ecosystems. Science Advances. 8, eabq7827. (link)
19. D. Chaparro, A.F. Feldman, and D. Entekhabi. Robustness of Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals Based on L-Band Global Radiometry (2022). IEEE TGRS. In press. (link)
18. Li, Y., H. Lu, D. Entekhabi, D.J. Short Gianotti, A.F. Feldman, K. Yang, and W. Wang (2022). Satellite-Based Assessment of Meteorological and Agricultural Drought in Mainland Southeast Asia. IEEE JSTARS. 15, 6180-6189. (link)
17. Dadap, N, A. Cobb, A. Hoyt, C. Harvey, A.F. Feldman, E. Im, and A. Konings (2022). Climate-induced peatland drying in Southeast Asia. Environmental Research Letters. 17, 074026. (link)
16. Zhang, Zhen, A. Chatterjee, L. Ott, R. Reichle, A.F. Feldman, and B. Poulter (2022). Effect of Assimilating SMAP Soil Moisture on CO2 and CH4 Fluxes through Direct Insertion in a Land Surface Model. Remote Sensing. 14, 2405. (link)
15. Dong. J., R. Akbar, D.J. Short Gianotti, A.F. Feldman, W.T. Crow, and D. Entekhabi (2022). Can Surface Soil Moisture Information Identify the Landscape Evapotranspiration Transition Between Energy- and Water-limited Regimes? Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL097697. (link)
14. Feldman, A.F., D.J. Short Gianotti, I.F. Trigo, G.D. Salvucci, and D. Entekhabi (2022). Observed landscape responsiveness to climate forcing. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR030316. (link)
13. Feldman, A.F., D. Chaparro, and D. Entekhabi (2021). Error propagation in microwave soil moisture and vegetation optical depth retrievals. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 11311-11323. (link)
12. Baur, M.J., T. Jagdhuber, A.F. Feldman, D. Chaparro, M. Piles, and D. Entekhabi (2021). Time-variations of zeroth-order vegetation absorption and scattering at L-band. Remote Sensing of Environment, 256, 112726. (link)
11. Xu, X., A.G. Konings, M. Longo, A.F. Feldman, L. Xu, S. Saatchi, D. Wu, J. Wu, and P. Moorcroft (2021). Leaf surface water, not plant water stress, drives diurnal variation in tropical forest canopy water content. New Phytologist, 231, 122-136. (link).
10. Feldman, A.F., D.J. Short Gianotti, A.G. Konings, P. Gentine, and D. Entekhabi (2021). Satellite-observed patterns of plant rehydration and growth following pulses of soil moisture availability. Biogeosciences, 18, 831-847. (link).
9. Feldman, A.F., A. Chulakadabba, D.J. Short Gianotti, and D. Entekhabi (2021). Ecosystem plant water content and carbon flux behavior following moisture pulses: from dryland to mesic environments. Water Resources Research. 57, e2020WR027592. (link).
8. Feldman, A.F., D.J. Short Gianotti, I.F. Trigo, G.D. Salvucci, and D. Entekhabi (2020). Land-atmosphere drivers of landscape-scale plant water content loss. Geophysical Research Letters. 47, e2020GL090331. (link).
7. Gao, L., M. Sadeghi, A.F. Feldman, and A. Ebtehaj (2020). A Spatially Constrained Multi-Channel Algorithm for Inversion of a First-Order Microwave Emission Model in L-Band. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 1-13. (link).
6. Short Gianotti, D.J., R. Akbar, A.F. Feldman, G.D. Salvucci, and D. Entekhabi (2020). Terrestrial Evaporation and Drainage in a Warmer Climate. Geophysical Research Letters. 47. (link).
5. Feldman, A.F., D.J. Short Gianotti, I.F. Trigo, G.D. Salvucci, and D. Entekhabi (2019). Satellite-based assessment of land surface energy partitioning-soil moisture relationships and effects of confounding variables. Water Resources Research. 55, 10657-10677. (link).
4. Baur, M.J., T. Jagdhuber, A.F. Feldman, R. Akbar, and D. Entekhabi (2019). Estimation of Relative Canopy Absorption and Scattering at L-, C- and X-bands. Remote Sensing of Environment, 233, 111384. (link)
3. Feldman, A.F., R. Foti, and F. Montalto (2019). Green Infrastructure Implementation in Urban Parks for Stormwater Management, ASCE Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 5(3). (link)
2. Feldman, A.F., D.J. Short Gianotti, A.G. Konings, K.A. McColl, R. Akbar, G.D. Salvucci, and D. Entekhabi (2018). Moisture pulse-reserve in the soil-plant continuum observed across biomes, Nature Plants, 4, 1026-1033. (link)
1. Feldman, A.F., R. Akbar, and D. Entekhabi (2018). Characterizing Higher-Order Scattering from Vegetation with SMAP Measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 219, 324–338. (link)
3. Javadian, M., R.L. Scott, J.A. Biederman, F. Zhang, J.B. Fisher, S.C. Reed, D.L. Potts, M.L. Villarreal, A.F. Feldman, W.K. Smith. Thermography captures the differential sensitivity of dryland functional types to changes in rainfall event timing and magnitude. Under review in New Phytologist.
2. Fu, Z., P. Ciais, J.P. Wigneron, P. Gentine, A.F. Feldman, I.C. Prentice, D. Goll, D. Yakir, D. Makowski, A.R. Kemanian, L. Liu, N. Viovy, P.C. Stoy, H. Ma, X. Li, Y. Huang, K. Yu, P. Zhu, X. Li, Z. Zhu, J. Lian, W.K. Smith. Global critical soil moisture thresholds of plant water stress. Under review in Nature Geoscience.
1. Short Gianotti, D.J., K.A. McColl, A.F. Feldman, and D. Entekhabi. Emergent observed coupling of terrestrial water, energy, and carbon fluxes. Under review in PNAS.
1. Feldman, A.F., A. G. Konings, M. Piles, and D. Entekhabi, “The Multi-Temporal Dual Channel Algorithm (MT-DCA) (Version 5) [Dataset],” Zenodo, 2021
5. Feldman, A.F., D. Chaparro, D. Entekhabi (2022). Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainty in Microwave Vegetation Optical Depth and Soil Moisture Retrievals, IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 5586-5589.
4. Feldman, A.F. and D. Entekhabi (2019). SMAP Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals Using The Multi-Temporal Dual-Channel Algorithm, IEEE IGARSS 2019 Symposium Proceedings.
3. Entekhabi, D. and A.F. Feldman, (2019). Evaluating Brightness Temperature Information for Estimating Microwave Land Surface and Vegetation Properties, IEEE IGARSS 2019 Symposium Proceedings.
2. Feldman, A.F. and D. Entekhabi (2019). A Framework for Retrieving a Time-Varying Effective Scattering Albedo from Satellite Microwave Measurements, IEEE IGARSS 2019 Symposium Proceedings.
1. Feldman, A.F., R. Akbar, and D. Entekhabi (2018). A First-Order Radiative Transfer Model for Global Soil Moisture Retrievals under Vegetated Canopies, IEEE IGARSS 2018 Symposium Proceedings.
- 2023 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Carbon Club, Virtual.
- “Observing the terrestrial biosphere’s response to climate variability with satellites”
- 2023 OCO Science Team Telecon, Virtual.
- “Using OCO-2 column CO2 retrievals to rapidly detect and estimate biospheric surface carbon flux anomalies”
- 2022 AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL.
- “Observed Global Photosynthesis Response to Changing Rainfall Frequency and Intensity: Constrasting Dryland and Humid Ecosystem Responses”
- 2022 University of Minnesota, Lorenz G. Straub Award, Minneapolis, MN.
- “Sensing water transfer in the soil-plant continuum from space”
- 2022 University of Arizona HAS Seminar, Tucson, AZ.
- “The Observed Response of Land Surfaces to Climate Variability”
- 2021 AmeriFlux Year of Water Webinar 2021. Virtual.
- “Soil moisture pulses as observed using satellites and flux towers”
- 2023 EGU Annual Meeting 2023, Vienna, Austria.
- Observed Global Photosynthesis Response to Changing Rainfall Frequency and Magnitude”
- 2023 iLEAPS OzFlux Joint Meeting 2023, Auckland, NZ/Virtual.
- "Observed Global Photosynthesis Response to Changing Rainfall Frequency and Intensity”
- 2023 iLEAPS OzFlux Joint Meeting 2023, Auckland, NZ/Virtual.
- "A multi-satellite framework to rapidly evaluate extreme biosphere cascades: the Western US 2021 drought and heatwave”
- 2023 AMS Annual Meeting 2023, Denver, CO/Virtual.
- "A multi-satellite framework to rapidly evaluate extreme biosphere cascades: the Western US 2021 drought and heatwave”
- 2022 AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL.
- “Tropical surface temperature response to vegetation cover changes and the role of drylands”
- 2022 NASA Postdoctoral Program Symposium, Virtual.
- “Observed Global Photosynthesis Response to Changing Rainfall Frequency and Intensity”
- 2022 NASA GSFC Early Career Scientist Forum, Greenbelt, Maryland.
- “Observed Global Photosynthesis Response to Changing Rainfall Frequency and Intensity”
- 2022 NASA OCO Science Team Meeting, Boulder, CO.
- “Using OCO-2 column CO2 retrievals to rapidly detect and estimate biospheric surface carbon flux anomalies”
- 2022 ESA Annual Meeting 2022, Montreal, Quebec (Oral).
- “Observed Global Photosynthesis Response to Changing Rainfall Frequency and Intensity”
- 2022 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Malaysia/Virtual (Poster).
- “Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainty in Microwave Vegetation Optical Depth and Soil Moisture Retrievals”
- 2022 IWGGMS Greenhouse Gas Measurements Workshop 2022, Japan/Virtual (Oral).
- “Using OCO-2 column CO2 retrievals to rapidly detect and estimate biospheric surface carbon flux anomalies”
- 2022 AGU Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico (Oral).
- “Observed landscape responsiveness to climate forcing”
- 2022 NASA NPP Bimonthly Colloquium 2022, Virtual (Oral).
- “Observed Global Photosynthesis Response to Changing Rainfall Frequency and Intensity”
- 2022 AMS Annual Meeting 2022, Virtual (Oral).
- “Observed African landscape responsiveness to climate forcing”
- 2022 NASA GSFC Biosphere Brown Bag Seminar. Virtual (Oral).
- “Extreme biosphere cascade detected during the Western U.S. 2021 drought”
- 2021 NASA GSFC Early Career Scientist Forum. Virtual (Oral).
- “Anomalous biosphere carbon effluxes in the Western U.S. due to the ongoing 2021 drought”
- 2020 AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual (Oral).
- “Land-atmosphere drivers of landscape-scale plant water content loss using satellite observations”
- 2020 16th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry (MicroRAD). Virtual (Oral).
- "SMAP Measurements Show Water Movement in the Soil-Plant Continuum as Pulses
- 2020 Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting 2020. Virtual (Oral).
- “Satellite-observed patterns of plant water refilling and growth response following pulses of soil moisture availability”
- 2020 MIT Parsons Laboratory Seminar Series. Virtual (Oral).
- “Thirsty plants: Tracking their water uptake from space”
- 2019 AGU Fall Meeting 2019. San Francisco, CA (Oral).
- “Satellite-based assessment of land surface energy partitioning-soil moisture relationships and effects of confounding variables”
- 2019 SMAP Science Team Meeting #13. Arcadia, CA (Oral).
- “Satellite-based assessment of land surface energy partitioning-soil moisture relationships”
- 2019 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Yokohama, Japan (Oral).
- “Evaluating Brightness Temperature Information for Estimating Microwave Land Surface and Vegetation Properties”
- 2019 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Yokohama, Japan (Poster).
- “A Framework for Retrieving a Time-Varying Effective Scattering Albedo From Satellite Microwave Measurements”
- 2018 AGU Fall Meeting 2018. District of Columbia (Oral).
- “Water Exchange Dynamics in the Soil-Plant Continuum Based on SMAP Measurements”
- 2018 SMAP Science Team Meeting #12. Arcadia, California (Oral).
- “Multi-Temporal Vegetation Optical Depth Retrieval and Tests of Robustness”
- 2018 Science Utilization SMAP Meeting #2. Arcadia, California (Oral).
- “Water Exchange Dynamics in the Soil-Plant Continuum Based on SMAP Measurements”
- 2018 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). Valencia, Spain (Oral).
- “A First-Order Radiative Transfer Model for Global Soil Moisture Retrievals under Vegetated Canopies”
- 2018 SMAP Science Team Meeting #11. JPL, Pasadena, California (Oral).
- “Higher-Order Scattering in Dense Vegetation”
- 2018 15th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry (MicroRAD). Cambridge, MA (Oral).
- “SMAP Soil Moisture and Vegetation Attenuation and Scattering Retrievals Including Higher Order Soil-Canopy Interactions”
- 2017 AGU Fall Meeting 2017. New Orleans, LA (Poster).
- “SMAP Multi-Temporal Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals in Vegetated Regions Including Higher-Order Soil-Canopy Interactions”
- 2017 SMAP Science Team Meeting #10. Cambridge, MA (Oral).
- “Higher-Order Scattering in Dense Vegetation”
- 2017 SMAP Cal/Val Workshop #8. Amherst, MA (Oral).
- “Radiometer-Based Surface Soil Moisture Including Higher-Order Soil-Canopy Interactions”
- 2015 Naval Academy Science & Engineering Conference, Annapolis, Maryland, (Poster).
- “Green Infrastructure Implementation in Urban Parks for Stormwater Management”